Measurement is very easy. For mosques and masjids, we recommend use only feet. Meaning, if the wall side is 18 feet 3 inches, just say 18 feet. Don't worry about the 3 inches. Measure the width and length.
Let's say it is Width is 30 feet, length is 50 feet. Your area is 30 x 50 = 1500 sq feet.
If Qibla is facing to the corner. Then you should add %35 for the waste, then buy 1500 x 1.35 = 2025 sq ft.
If Qibla is facing to the corner little less angle, then, you should add %25 for the waste, buy 1500 x 1.25 = 1875 sq ft.
If Qibla is facing straight to the wall, meaning there is not angle, you are facing directly to the wall, then you should add %10 for the waste, buy 1500 x 1.10 = 1650 sq ft.
For your office or home, we recommend adding %40 to your order if the qibla is angled to corner.
Do not hesitate to call or text us. We are here to help you with any questions. We will advise you how much you should buy to complete your mosque carpeting project without any hassle. Contact Us Now!